We help older adults who are facing challenges related to Alzheimer’s, stroke, Parkinson’s, isolation, grief, depression, and other conditions. Our creative person-centered therapy provides individuals with rewarding interactive music experiences that promote cognitive stimulation, engagement, and quality of life. We provide support for individuals, families, caregivers, groups and organizations.

Music Therapy will help:

- Engage in activities of interest
- Stimulate mind and body
- Promote awareness to self, surrounding and others
- Enhance feelings of independence and self-confidence
- Decrease anxiety and agitation
- Elicit memories
- Improve communication
- Provide opportunities for socialization
- Improve quality of life
- Bring joy
How it Works
Sessions may include some of the following music experiences.
Singing can help us improve speech, maintain engagement, keep focus, improve memory, feel connected, express ourselves, breathe, release stress, and feel joy. In our sessions we sing songs that are familiar and meaningful to our clients. We may also learn new songs, write original songs, and analyze lyrics. Prior experience not necessary to fully benefit.
Sessions often include playing a variety of percussion instruments (congas, djembes, shakers, claves, tambourines) as well as guitar, keyboard, or xylophone. The music can be in any style depending on the client’s preferences or emotional state. The music may be based on improvisation, familiar songs, or adaptive music lessons. No previous experience in music is necessary. People of all abilities can participate.
Songwriting is emerging as popular and effective tool in therapy. It provides with a healthy outlet that can help us explore and validate our thoughts and feelings in a creative and empowering way. Furthermore, an original song/recording can serve as legacy work. We have experience facilitating songwriting and recording for individuals and families of all ages and abilities.
It is important for individuals with dementia to have an opportunity to engage in verbal communication at all levels of availability in order to stimulate cognition and reduce feelings of isolation and withdrawal. Music can be a powerful tool that elicits memories, thoughts, and feelings, and facilitates a therapeutic verbal process that may be otherwise unavailable. We have advanced training in Music and Psychotherapy, and specialize in working with the elderly population and the various challenges that come with aging.
*We are a Certified AFA Dementia Care Partner*
“I have seen deeply demented patients weep or shiver as they listen to music they have never heard before, and I think that they can experience the entire range of feelings the rest of us can, and that dementia, at least at this time, is no bar to emotional depth. Once has those responses, one knows that there is still a self to be called upon, even if music, and only music, can do do the calling.”
Dr. Oliver Sacks
*We speak Spanish and Hebrew*
*Contact us below to schedule a free phone consultation and learn more about how music therapy can help you and your loved one.*